Thursday, 9 February 2017

David Haselwood | How to Succeed with a Healthcare Start-Up

Healthcare entrepreneurship is the most successful field today, says David Haselwood. He adds, it is the only field where an individual maintains a balance between social responsibility and profitability. David Haselwood is a recognized healthcare entrepreneur who is currently serving as the chief financial officer and chief operating officer at Prytime Medical Devices, Inc. He began his career as an investment banker. According to David Haselwood, healthcare entrepreneur is one of the blooming career nowadays and how healthcare startups are prospering immensely.

Healthcare startups have boomed extensively in the previous years and the reason behind their success is the rapidly increasing demand. No matter, how small is the startup, but its demand completely depends on the quality of the products and services.


Lets us know what statistics say about healthcare entrepreneurship:

According to David haselwood around 200% venture funding deals in healthcare startups has increased between 2010 and 2014. Over the last several years, health care startups has grown rapidly and this progress is driven by the health reforms that is making excellent changes. Other than this, another reason behind the successful growth in healthcare entrepreneurship is demand of increased population. With the increasing demand, care and technology, the industry is booming.

This can be considered as the golden age for healthcare startups says David Haselwood as with the decline in the cost of technology, chances to build new companies goes higher. It is easy to initiate a startup when you have all the tools to build a company and the required ingredients. These facilities and reforms are bringing revolution in healthcare entrepreneurship. In the year 2014, $6.5 billion was invested in new healthcare venture which was increased over 125% in the year 2013.

David Haselwood noted that the healthcare industry continues to be the one providing biggest opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors. Earlier due to over employment and declining productivity was damaging healthcare system but now more productivity, and reforms in medicine as well as technology is showing good changes.

Work and dedication of some healthcare entrepreneurs showed good changes in the field and changed the trends completely. There has been a great transformation in the healthcare entrepreneurship throughout the world that led the boom in the industry. “We believe we can transform healthcare entrepreneurship and encourage the establishment of more startups by supporting the entrepreneurs”, says David Haselwood. Needs of healthcare entrepreneurs are different than other entrepreneurs and their challenges are peculiar. Other than this, there are many other challenges faced by entrepreneurs engaged in healthcare.

David Haselwood offers you advises that help you in making it up with a startup in the industry:

Build Momentum:

There are always two camps says David Haselwood. One is startup friendly that provides the idea and energy to help the entrepreneurs figure out how to work on these ideas. On the other side, whole camp is of resisters; people who are far away from creativity and ideas or concepts of the company.

David Haselwood says, “Our objective is to connect with more of former camp people and build the momentum”.  Try to find out startup friendly sources and willing to lean-in with you.  That is where you need to put your resources.

 Say yes to regulations:

To be into healthcare entrepreneurship you must go through the Food and drug administration’s rules to the affordable Care Act. Healthcare comes with a host of regulations. Healthcare is the industry full of rules, but rules can be entrepreneur’s friend. So, rather getting spooked by the concept of regulations, just go through the process without any hesitation and if you know how to work through that process, it's not that difficult," said David Haselwood. "It can be a competitive advantage."

 Healthcare demands patience:

You might have heard about many stories like “Slack grew from zero to a billion dollars in nine months,’’ said David Haselwood. In the healthcare industry sale cycle is elongated, as there are many regulatory hurdles that take a significant time and the resistance to change is high. There should be an intense amount of patience to be an entrepreneur in general, and in health care even more so.

 Be open:

To be a successful entrepreneur you need to be open to being coached. There are two key elements that make a successful healthcare entrepreneur: being collaborative and coachable. Be open to other experts, ideas and suggestions. Listen really well at every stage. "It's very difficult to be a rugged individualist in this sector, in particular. It helps to be part of an army of entrepreneurs working together."

David Haselwood is a healthcare entrepreneur who is involved in the industry from many years. He is well known of the facts and scopes of the industry. He says, “This is the industry where an individual can earn and fulfil his social responsibilities.